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Glen Allen, VA 23060


Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad





The Napkin Notes Blog

Infusion #13

WGarth Callaghan


Today is infusion #13.

I've had a kidney removed along with a 13 cm tumor.

I've had an adrenal gland removed with a 2.5 cm tumor.

I've had 77 scans.

I've had 1621 days of daily chemo.

I've had renal cancer metastases on my liver, my other adrenal gland, my right lung, and my brain.

I've had gamma knife radiation brain surgery.

I've had 12 chemo-immunotherapy infusions.

Today is my one year anniversary of immunotherapy

Today is infusion #13. 11 more to go.

I love knowing numbers but I honestly can't count how many napkin notes I've written to Emma. Thank goodness, because it's not about that. It's about building that connection.

I woke this morning at 4 AM and two things were on my mind:

* Holy crap, it's early!

* In your rush to get to UVA, don't forget Emma's note.

Emma's almost 20 and I'll continue writing notes to her as long as she wants me to. It's a true blessing to have made it this long that I get to write notes to an almost 20 year old!


The universe works in mysterious ways. As I was waiting for my first appointment (brain MRI) I received a message from Ainura in Kazakhstan.


I’m tired and hoping for a nap this afternoon.

Thank you all for the kindness, the love, and the support for the last 2833 days.

Pack. Write. Connect.