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Castle Point Court
Glen Allen, VA 23060


Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad





The Napkin Notes Blog

Bounty Supports Napkin Notes

WGarth Callaghan

A Gift From Bounty

In the interest of TLDR (Too Long, Didn't Read) I am just going to ask you to join the campaign by doing the following: 

1) Write a Napkin Note
2) Take a picture of it (then put it in a lunch) 
3) Post the picture on Twitter and use the hashtag #Napkins4Emma

The Full Version

We were approached by Bounty to work with them on a social media campaign that would help inspire people to write Napkin Notes.  They wanted to create action and have people start to write notes and then talk about the experience on Twitter. 

There were two things that moved my heart during our first conversation. The first was Bounty wanted to donate money to Emma's college fund. I started tearing up when that was first mentioned. Secondly, they knew that I didn't use Bounty napkins and they didn't care. The campaign wasn't about my product choice, it was solely focused on families, mealtime together, and being close to people.

I was floored. I am blessed. I honestly cried. Bounty was offering to help Emma.  

Please help out. Write a note. Take a picture. Share it using #Napkins4Emma